Metered Rates/Fare Sheet
Chesterfield Taxi & Car Service offers taxicab and premium car service in the Greater Saint Louis Area and Lambert Airport. We have the lowest flat rates to and from Lambert – St. Louis International Airport {Airport Flat Rates}.
- $3.50 First 1/10 Mile
- $0.25 Per 1/10 Mile
- $5.00 Airport Fee, if picking up at the Airport
- $1.00 Each Add Passenger
- When Gas Prices are over $3 per gallon, there is a $1.00 per trip Gasoline Surcharge
- $10.00 MiniVan Charge (fits up to 6 with an average amount of luggage)
- $10.00 Child Car Seat, available upon request, check availability (all car seat orders need to go inside of the Minivan)
***some of our flat rates have changed. please ask a dispatcher to ensure an accurate rate
Payments (You can pay with):
- Major Credit Cards
- If your company has an account with us we will bill you monthly
- Cash
Local Weather
If there is sever weather we might not be able to keep or be on time for your reservation and Meter rates will be imposed. {Local Weather Conditions}