Bringing More Students to Mizzou

All universities want students to want to attend their campus. Therefore, schools will do a variety of things to be appealing to students across the country (and even globe). One thing universities will offer are scholarships. Mizzou’s new chancellor has announced new scholarships that will be available to out-of-state applicants in hopes of bringing students to Mizzou. We think this is a great thing because more students at Mizzou means more chances for graduates to live and work in the area!

ST. LOUIS • Celebrating 100 days in office — well, technically 107 days — University of Missouri-Columbia Chancellor Alexander Cartwright announced two new scholarship efforts to bring more students to Mizzou.

The first change is to a scholarship fund that offers extra dollars to out-of-state students who are the children of alumni.

That program was previously limited to students with ACT scores of 27 or higher. They were eligible to receive in-state tuition, a saving of about $15,000.

Now, under the newly-named “Black and Gold Scholarship,” out-of-state, legacy students with ACT scores of 25 and 26 will also get some financial help, $7,500, to be exact. 

The second program Cartwright announced Wednesday is the “Missouri Border State Scholars Award,” which offers  discounted tuition to students who live in any of the eight states that border Missouri. That program reduces the cost of out-of-state tuition for undergraduate students by $2,500.

Pelema Morrice, Mizzou’s vice president of enrollment, said in a statement that these programs will help Missouri’s flagship university be more competitive.

Several other states, including Arkansas, offer discounted tuition programs to out-of-state students who qualify based on test scores and grade-point averages.

About one-third of Mizzou’s students are from out of state. Around 1,500 of those students each year become in-state residents after meeting requirements set by the university.

These new programs build on several announcements since June aimed at reducing costs for in-state students, particularly those who come from low-income households. Two weeks ago, the university said it was cutting the cost of living in certain dormitories on campus.

3 O’clock Stir from the St. Louis Post-Dispatch

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